After we finished off our upstairs, we changed a few small things in the living room. First we removed the door to the staircase since it is now leading to finished space. Next I moved the tall bookcases on each side of the fireplace to open up the spaces. I added wedding portraits on each side and cute baskets. The shelves have been re-homed to our space upstairs, one in the landing and the other in the office. I love being able to shop for home items for free within my own house. The new frames and baskets are from Michael’s and 50% off and I had a 20% off purchase coupon, I love those deals!
You cannot tell from the photo, but in the staircase landing I added a tall narrow table and some hooks since we do not have a foyer.
The biggest change we made was a new couch, this was very frustrating but needed. Our other couch, which was only a few years old, was peeling badly and looked really bad. However it is really comfortable and in good shape structurally so we have moved it to the basement where it is waiting for a nice cover. Here is the new couch, I really like it and that corner seat is so cozy. I had a cold this weekend and spent all of Sunday curled up in the corner seat with a blanket. My little girl calls it the sweet spot.
I’m really happy with how the space turned out. I would like to get hardwood floors later on but I am not ready to tackle another big project just after finishing the upstairs. For now we will just relax and enjoy, the carpet is rather cozy after all.